Saturday, 21 January 2012

Elijah's ESKIMO DANCE Report - Japanese Translation

Japanese translation - you can view the O.G here
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Eskimo Dance on Saturday was one of the best Grime events I have ever been to. I have consistently been going to events since 2005 and I have never seen anything like that.


Before I talk about some of the great moments on the night, I don’t think anyone has addressed the historic importance of this happening in London without incident.


Grime club nights have a negative stigma mainly based on myth. In the Independent Review the reviewer said ‘Grime’s reputation has suffered in the past due to the frequent police raids at illegal venues’ which is totally untrue. What has prevented most events is Form 696 and the club owners that avoid putting ‘risky’ nights in the clubs.


FORM 696について:
「FORM 696」というのは、イベントを企画するに際して、警察にどのような音楽を流すかを宣言するフォームで必要となっています。しかし、「グライム」と宣言すると、警察は単に「危険」といって許可してくれないので、これで「グライム」のイベントが急になくなったのです。風営法みたいに。

Towards the end of last year someone from a club in London contacted me about doing an event, and I wanted to book JME and P Money. This was the response:

去年の暮れぐらい、ロンドンのクラブから、イベントの企画を要請するとの連絡がきて、僕はJME とP-MONEYの出演を提案した。すると、このような返事をもらった。

‘I think the investors would be worried about JME and P Money on the same line up after the meetings i’ve had’


I said ‘help me understand why they would be worried I dont get it’.


‘Negative perceptions of Grime and the associations that it brings. Stories of 10 cars parked outside a Giggs show being linked to gun crime were instantly thrown
around. Not going to happen at the moment in a venue like this. Apologies…’


After they approached a Grime label to do a night. Odd, but a common barrier we face all the time. So events don’t actually get cancelled as people think, they don’t even get past idea stages.


We actually had an event towards the end of the week of the London riots last August, it was very busy and again happened without incident.


Eskimo Dance was a well policed event, sensible search and ID policy, and good set organisation. Do you think the negative connotations will be dropped now we have had 20+ Grime acts under one roof and it run without a hitch? Probably not.


Only way to prove it is to do it again and again until people get it that the only people in Grime raves are people that actually love Grime.


The knock on effects may mean you start to see Grime acts on more events and festivals, putting on their own nights and accelerating new MCs, DJs and producers careers. We have lost a lot of talent in the past few of years to the pop world, and that will only continue if Grime acts aren’t represented on the live circuit.


Usually at ‘Return’ nights, they bring out older audiences, that experienced the first wave trying to bring back memories of the ‘good old days’. At Eskimo Dance there were a lot of young people from up and down the country experiencing Grime like that for the first time.


It is an audience that have grown up with Logan Sama being on Kiss since 2005, Grime on Channel U, Risky Roadz, Practice Hours and Lord of the Mics DVDs, Sidewinder Tapepacks, watching footage from early Eskimo Dances on youtube and more recently Grimedaily and SBTV (where were they?!).

この観衆は、Logan Samaのラジオ番組やSidewinderのテープなどを聞いて、Channel U, Risky Roadz, Practice Hours, LOTMのDVDや、Grime DailyやSBTVなどのYOUTUBEチェンネルを観て育った若者からなる観衆なのである。

Wiley, JME, Skepta, P Money, Ghetts etc sharing the same bill to the youth of today is a dream come true. For the previous generation it would be like having Jay-Z, Nas, 50 Cent and Eminem on the same night.

Wiley, JME, Skepta, P Money、Ghettsなどが同じイベントに登場するなど、まさに夢のようだ。その前の世代にたとえるならば、Jay-Z, Nas, 50 CentやEminemが同じイベントに登場するみたいなものだ。

Onto the actual club night, and let me reiterate, it was one of the best grime nights I have ever been to. When I came in Logan Sama was around half way through his set, mixing up current and classics to perfection. So many vocals that over the years a lot of people would have been introduced to via his show which still remains the biggest show in the scene. Amazing he only has an hour a week, Kiss FM sort this out!

さて、イベントの話をしよう。前にも言ったが、このイベントは人生の中で一番いいイベントだったかも。入ったとき、LOGAN SAMAのセットの途中だった。彼は完璧にCLASSICSと新譜とを混ぜてDJしていた。そのとき流されてくるVOCALSは、以前としてグライム・シーンの一番である彼の番組で、2005からずっと毎週始めて紹介されてきたVOCALSである。彼の番組が週一時間だけなんて!

Throughout the MC sets the other DJs opted for more classics then current, which to me was the only complaint of the night. Hardly heard anything from the current heavy hitting producers like Teddy, Rude Kid, Terror, Royal-T, Preditah, D.O.K etc, hopefully that won’t happen again at the next one.

MCがラップするときのDJは現在の曲よりCLASSICSを選曲していて、強いていえば、これはこのイベントの僕の唯一の不満だろう。今の流行のトラック・メーカであるTeddy, Rude Kid, Terror Danjah, Royal-T, Preditah, D.O.Kなどの曲はあまり耳にしなかった。今度、もっと新しい曲が流されるように

My favourite MCs of the night were JME - completely effortless performance. He performed a good mix of his classic and new lyrics, those years of continuing to do radio and the FWD» nights have made him one of the best performers in the UK. Blacks smashed the OGz and Boy Better Know sets with his good singalongs. Should be a good year for him! Merky Ace was getting big reactions for someone who has only really come through in the last 12 months. It is good to see people werent just there for the established heads. Reload of the night easily goes to Flow Dan. The video doesn’t capture it well, but the whole venue went mad. Hopefully there is some sort of DVD or tape pack to give the documentation this night deserves.

一番よかったMCがJME。彼のパフォーマンスは完璧だった。古いリリックも最近のリリックの両方をラップした。ラジオをやり続けて、頻繁にFWDに登場してきただけのことはあって、イギリス全国でも優秀なアーティストの一人となった。BLACKSは彼ならではのSINGALONGみたいなリリックで、OGZクルーとBBKクルーのセットの両方を盛り上がらせた。今年もBLACKSにとっての良い一年になるだろう。MERKY ACEが突破してきたのが最近にもかかわらず、観衆からすごい反応をもらっていた。つまり、集まった観衆は、有名なMCばかりではなく、新人も見に来たというわけ。No.1 RELOADは一点の疑いもなくFLOW DANだった。ビデオの画像が悪くて音質わるいし、そう見えないかもだが、クラブは全体として盛り上がった。このイベントのよさの証明となるDVDが何か出てくるといい

In the days since Eskimo there has been a great optimism about all things Grime from the listeners and fans alike. Wiley appeared on Rinse for the first time in ages on Monday and Slimzee was on Rinse too Tuesday night. JME is heading for his first top 40, with an independently released single and has seen support from most major ‘urban’ artists in the country and as far reaching as Calvin Harris tweeting a link to buy on ITunes. So January 2012, Grime is back on the map, hopefully this is just the beginning.

エスキモ・ダンスの後、グライムのファンとアーティストの楽観が感じられた。WILEYは月曜に久しぶりにRINSEに登場したし、火曜にSLIMZEEも登場した。JMEは自分で曲をリリースしてチャートに入って、URBANアーティストのみんなの後援を得れた。CALVIN HARRISだって、JMEの新譜を買うようTWITTERで促していた。それで、2012の一月。グライム・シーンが取り戻された。

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